Heart Attack Triggers: Eight Mistakes That Could Increase Your Risk Heart attacks can strike anyone, not just those with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or pre-existing heart conditions. If you make these eight mistakes, you significantly increase your risk of an early heart attack.
Heart Attack: Eight mistakes that trigger heart disease (Heart Disease) and how they increase the risk of a heart attack. The risk of heart attacks is now increasingly seen even in younger people. A heart attack can strike at any time, and often, some of our unwitting mistakes contribute to it. Certain activities can trigger a heart attack, so let’s find out what these eight mistakes are.
Activities that Invite a Heart Attack
While exertion is good for maintaining a healthy heart, overexertion can sometimes cause heart failure. Doing too much at once will not only cause physical harm but also increase the risk of a heart attack. If you are not used to regular exercise, sudden physical exertion can be a potential cause of a heart attack.
Exposure to Extremely Cold Temperatures or Cold Showers
Exposure to extremely cold temperatures or suddenly pouring very cold water over your head increases the risk of a heart attack. Exposure to cold causes constriction of the arteries, leading to a sudden increase in blood pressure. This condition can trigger a heart attack.
Risk During Sexual Intercourse
A strenuous sexual session can also trigger a heart attack, especially in those already at risk of heart disease. For people over 50, the likelihood of a heart attack increases by 2.7% during sexual intercourse.
Drugs or Alcohol
Alcohol and drugs themselves pose a risk of heart attack. If you mix alcohol with other substances or take two drugs together, your risk of a heart attack doubles.
Lack of Sleep
These 8 mistakes can cause heart attack Lack of sleep is associated with obesity, blood pressure, depression, and the risk of heart attack. People who sleep less than six hours a day have a higher risk of heart attack than those who sleep eight hours.
Heavy Meals in Large Quantities
Eating very large or heavy meals regularly increases levels of norepinephrine, a hormone responsible for increasing heart rate and blood pressure.
Ignoring Migraines
Migraines can also cause heart attacks at a young age. People who experience strange visual, auditory, or sensory phenomena during migraine headaches have a higher risk of heart attack. Therefore, never take migraines lightly and seek proper treatment. Ignoring migraines can lead to heart failure.
Living in Pollution
Fine dust particles and fumes from vehicles can significantly damage the heart. These particles cause blood clots, which can ultimately lead to heart attacks. So, remember that by being aware of certain illnesses, eating habits, and conditions, you can avoid heart attacks.
Disclaimer: This content and the advice given herein provide general information only. It does not substitute for qualified medical advice. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information. patrika.com does not assume any responsibility for this information.
News / Health / 8 Mistakes That Can Trigger a Heart Attack