scriptIs There a Permanent Migraine Cure? Relief May Be Found Through These Measures | Latest News | Patrika News

Is There a Permanent Migraine Cure? Relief May Be Found Through These Measures

To avoid migraines, we need to make some changes in our daily routine. Proper diet, adequate water intake, exercise and yoga, stress avoidance, and sufficient sleep—all these measures can help reduce migraine problems.

New DelhiJan 29, 2025 / 01:03 pm

Patrika Desk

permanent cure for migraine home remedies for migraine pain

permanent cure for migraine home remedies for migraine pain

Home Remedies for Migraine Pain: Migraine is a neurological disorder characterized by intense headaches, which can be unbearable for some sufferers. Besides headaches, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sleep disturbances are also common. According to scientists, the exact cause of migraine is still unknown, but it may be due to abnormal brain activity affecting nerve communication.

Prevention Tips for Migraine

1. Avoid Sudden Temperature Changes

If you are using an air conditioner in the heat, avoid moving from a very cold environment to a warm one. Similarly, drinking very cold water immediately after being in intense heat can also worsen migraine.

2. Sun and Heat Protection

Take necessary precautions before going out in the strong sun during the summer. Use sunglasses or an umbrella to avoid direct sunlight.

3. Maintain Hydration

Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily, as dehydration is a major cause of migraine. In addition, consuming fluids like lemonade, coconut water, buttermilk, and soup is also beneficial.

4. Dietary Precautions

खानपान में सावधानी बरतें
Home Remedies for Migraine Pain: Dietary Precautions
Avoid spicy food.

Reduce salt intake.

Increase consumption of fresh fruits and green vegetables.

Avoid tea, coffee, and cold drinks.
Avoid alcohol and chocolate, as these can trigger migraines.

5. Reduce Stress

Stress is a major factor that can worsen migraines. To reduce stress, take a daily walk barefoot on the grass. This not only reduces stress but also helps balance hormones.

6. Regular Exercise and Yoga

regular exercise and yoga
Home Remedies for Migraine Pain: Regular Exercise and Yoga
Practice yoga asanas or pranayama for 30 minutes daily.

Perform yoga asanas like Balasana, Uttanasana, Setubandha Sarvangasana, and Halasana.
Cycling is beneficial for migraine sufferers.

Cardio exercise can reduce migraine symptoms.

7. Get Enough Sleep

Lack of sleep can worsen migraines. Therefore, get 7-8 hours of sound sleep regularly.

8. Use Music and Meditation

Listen to soothing music of your choice and practice meditation. Deep breathing meditation techniques increase the oxygen supply to the body, reducing the impact of migraines.

To avoid migraines, we need to make some changes in our daily routine. Proper diet, adequate water intake, exercise and yoga, stress avoidance, and sufficient sleep—all these measures can help reduce migraine problems. By adopting the right habits, you can get relief from migraine pain and live a healthy life.
Disclaimer: This content and the advice given herein provide general information only. It does not substitute for qualified medical advice. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information. does not take any responsibility for this information.

News / Health / Is There a Permanent Migraine Cure? Relief May Be Found Through These Measures

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